
Benji has an interesting coat. I'm still not 100% on what to call it. His pedigree says he is a Blue Vienna Mark Holland Lop. But I am not convinced. We haven't had enough litters with him yet to fully determine what his genetic code is. He is extremely sweet. He will let you pet and love on him forever, but he does NOT like to be held.


Dinkie is a Lilac Holland Lop. I have to say, she is my personal favorite, although Penny is a close second. She has the sweetest personality and disposition. She is very vocal and loves to let you know she approves of the love she gets. She does this purr, almost like a cat. It is adorable. She's also a great momma and keeps her cage super clean. She does great with the litter box, and her babies usually do as well!


Sweets is a Tort Otter Holland Lop. She lives up to her name, and is extremely sweet. She is on the larger side, but she has big litters and is a great momma. Her babies tend to have good dispostions and make great pets.


Sunny is a White Ear Blue Vienna Mark Holland Lop Doe. She had blue eyes as a baby, but they have slowly turned to a greyish brown. She is so sweet and lovable. She loves attention, but she can also be a little feisty! She is one of our smallest girls, being under 3 pounds. Even though she may look like a dead ringer for Benji, there is no relation there! Her parents are Lucy and Rex.


Penny is a Magpie Holland Lop Doe. She is one of ours that we kept from a litter between Sweets and Romeo. Romeo was the sweetest boy, and he went to a home to be an emotional support pet, where he is doing great! Penny got her dad's disposition and coat! She is one of the absolute sweetest and calmest bunnies we have. She is also very clean, so she keeps her cage spotless and is a champ at using her litter box. She has had a couple of litters for us, and so far her babies have been just as sweet and docile as she is.